Tuesday, November 9, 2021


By the grace of God we survived Covid!


Fact 1: October 18 Monday morning - I got exposed to someone who at the time was recovering from his own infection. He is vaccinated.

Fact 2: October 20 Wednesday evening - I had headache, slight fever, sore throat and cough. I took acetaminophen. The headache and fever vanished.

Fact 3: October 23 Saturday afternoon - My second daughter had headache. I gave her Dolan and isolated her in the bedroom.

Fact 4: October 23 evening - I lost sense of smell. I could not smell the handwashing soap. I placed dishwashing paste right under my nose and I could not smell a thing; not even dog or cat poop beside me, not Efficascent Oil, not alcohol. Prior to infection I could smell them five (5) meters away. I immediately isolated myself in the living room. The rest of my children stayed in the kitchen because there they could have immediate access to food and hand it over to us.

I informed my niece who is a doctor and eldest sister who is a nurse. They gave their medical advice. I sent a PM to my cousin Noel and asked for information. He is a Covid survivor himself back in March-April. He asked if I wanted to take Ivermectin. I said yes.

Fact 5: October 24 Sunday morning - My wife showed symptoms too. She also lost her sense of smell and had nausea. The Ivermectin promised by my cousin Noel arrived.

I increased my dose of vitamin C from the pre-infection 250 mg/day to 300 mg every 4 hours. I took zinc tablet every day. When the coughing ensued, I inhaled steam. My wife also increased her vitamin C intake to 1000 mg per day and inhaled steam. All throughout this experience our oxygen saturation remained at 97-99%. Our sense of taste did not vanish but I could feel a hot sensation in my tongue and palate after every meal.

All my three (3) daughters were relatively safe. My second daughter’s headache vanished so I allowed her to stay with the other two. My youngest sneezed one time but that was all. My eldest had headache but Biogesic solved it. I reminded them to take vitamin C everyday.

Fact 6: October 28 Thursday to 30 Saturday - My headache returned.

Fact 7: October 31 Sunday morning - My headache was gone. My wife and I got better but cough was still there and sense of smell was still zero. We continued with our treatment. Isolation was still in place.

Fact 8: November 6 - Our symptoms were gone, except for the loss of the sense of smell. There was occasional cough but only to clear our throats. I allowed my children to return to the bedroom. Isolation was lifted.

Fact 9: November 8 - We could again smell food in the kitchen, soap and pet poop.

Fact 10: November 9 - We declared victory over Covid. Still, we observe the protocols and never let our guard down.

Fact 11: I am not vaccinated!


I share this experience in the hope that it might help others survive too, by the grace of God!

November 10, 2021

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